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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

ESPN's phone 

The ESPN mobile phone has got to be in the top ten worst business ideas of the last year. “Yeah, right Disney, everyone wants to buy your phone, simply because it can get scores.” It is not high tech enough for the uber-geeks, and not enough of your standard-geeks are sports fans. The crossovers (uber-geeks who like sports) have a phone that can get scores already, simply because it gets the internet. The niche ESPN-Disney is aiming at is way too narrow. It doesn’t help that they guy they had doing their initial ads was the most annoying commercial spokesperson since Crazy Eddie. Dude trying to break into the ESPN center at Bristol, what? Pul-leeze. "Get a life" was the common response and that is not what you want people thinking when they are considering purchasing your product. Evidence, ESPN-Disney is now offering $150 cash back to anyone who will sign-up to take one of the darn things.

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