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Sunday, July 01, 2007

Elizabeth Edwards 

Did the Clarion’s readers see Elizabeth Edwards bury Anne Coulter on Chris Matthews last week?? This is in no way an endorsement of her husband’s campaign, but she really laid the the wood to Coulter. Her point that people like Coulter denegrate the level of political dialogue in this country was right on target. Matthews went on to list a couple of other ad hominem attacks by Coulter on Hillary and Monica Lewinsky’s weight and fat legs. Edwards kept her own cool and made Coulter look like the foolish, self-serving, egotist she is.

Unfortunately, Elizabeth Edwards interviewed by the New York Times a few days later, revealed that she has issues of her own. Coulter is a publicity hound, but Elizabeth Edwards was paraphrasing Nietzche for the Times, “You have to believe in something so strongly that you don’t acknowledge another’s point of view: That’s what real belief is." What!!? For the Clarion this is far too close to the point of view and governance of the Bush II-Cheney team. True believers scare the heck out of us. There has to be room for dissent, disagreement and discussion.

We fear where unwillingness to acknowledge opposing points of view leads...

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