Sunday, September 09, 2007
Chris Dodd sounds off

Chris Dodd, Connecticut Senator and Democratic Presidential nominee hopeful, isn't exactly making big waves. He has always had a few good lines when given the opportunity. Dodd is an entertaining Johnny Carson to Delaware Senator, and fellow Democratic hopeful, Joe Biden's bland Charlie Rose. The senior Connecticut Senator used to knock'em dead on the Imus in the Morning show. Imus's endorsement, of course, is now more poisonous than ever.
Some excepts from Dodd's brief interview in the New York Times magazine this weekend.
I hear you’re running for president. Yes, Ma’am. I hear as well. Thank you for hearing!
You’re barely a blip in the polls. As a fifth-term senator with decades of experience, why do you think you’ve failed to generate at least as much interest as, say, John Edwards? Well, he ran for vice president. This is all about names that people recognize.
Do you think Connecticut is the problem? It’s doesn’t exactly have a populist image. That’s an interesting question. Living between New York and Boston is sort of like living in Alsace-Lorraine, between the French and the Germans. We’re the quiet zone between two very robust cities.
Do you think the recent debates helped you distinguish yourself from the other Democratic candidates? No. At the debates, I felt like I was back at St. Thomas the Apostle School with Sister Louise, trying to be recognized in the room. If you had a parochial education, you’d appreciate how frightening that can be — trying to be recognized.
It’s true you’re not overexposed. The only time you made national headlines this summer was when your office in Hartford was burglarized by a homeless man. Well, as someone once said, as long as they spell your name right.
Do you think Americans have a right to know about a candidate’s personal life? Well, look. What’s that great line? There’s no such thing as a saint without a past and a sinner without a future.
Who said that? I just did.
The Clarion has to admit we liked it. Funny stuff. A few quick comments on Dodd's answers.
Connecticut is the Alsace-Lorraine? Does that make them America's cheese eating surrender monkeys?
The moderator won't call on you enough, okay. But really what kid wanted Sister Louise, or her ilk paying more attention to them? Most kids were and are slinking down in their seats trying not to get called on...(Senator, you think you're getting ignored, at least you're not Dennis Kucinich.)
Ahh ha, so they robbed his office, yes, even for a Senator, short of going Larry Craig, there is no publicity that is bad publicity.
Wait a minute, what was that last line Senator Dodd? Maybe he has been talking to Larry Craig...
Labels: 2008's President, Politics
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