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Friday, October 26, 2007

Republican Primary Field 

The Clarion offers for your perusal quick capsules on what we see as the Republican primary voter's worries about, concerns with, and objections to, each of their potential candidates.

They think...

Mitt Romney—Is he a flip-flopper? Especially on hot buttons: gay marriage and abortion choice? Plus, isn't he a Mormon? And aren't they a (polygamist)cult?

Rudy Giuliani—He is pro-choice, and generally way too liberal on social issues. He is not only three times divorced, but his kids don't even back his candidacy.

Mike Huckabee—Can a guy with that last name really be substantial enough to win? Isn't he from Bill Clinton's home town?

John McCain—Isn't he pro-war and moderate on immigration? Didn't he and his wife adopt a black skinned child?(Oh sorry-that was a Bush II team objection last time he ran...)

Ron Paul—Who? Has he sold out enough to be president?

They (Republican primary voters) have positive spins on each of the candidacies as well. We'll save those for a later date. These objections are the door that the wooden Fred Thompson is trying to charge through, the door that would have been open for Bill Frist had he not revealed himself to be such a twisted troglodyte over Terry Schiavo.

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Mitt Romney's candidacy is hurt by a lack of public knowledge about Mormonism. In the pop cultural consciousness it is the television show Big Love. This show's portrayal does not help Romney's chances.

The kids on the bikes, with the ties and the white oxford shirts, they don't hurt him, but they don't help him, either.

American voters as a whole are less tolerant than they believe themselves to be. Republican primary voters are less tolerant than the average American voter.
If a prediction were demanded as of today, McCain would be the prediction as the Republican nominee.
troglodyte! great word! thanks for sharing it! and an appropriate choice for frist's actions/thinking.
Let it be known that, I did initially murder the spelling so badly that Merriam-Webster.com was having trouble finding it.
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