Sunday, May 25, 2008
Avoid the Family Fare BP

"Fonder Days"
This is a warning to fellow Durhamanians, who like so many Americans are enjoying the blowback pleasures of $4.00/gallon gas. Avoid all of the local Family Fare BP gas stations!!!
All of the Family Fare BP gas stations have had to change the filters in their gas tanks? Gas pumps? Lines? Nozzles? The Clarion can't get a straight answer out of them, despite having questioned various clerks, store managers, and even made inquires via comment on their website. They graciously apologized for our inconvenience, but without explanation.
Regardless of the why, know that it takes an endless amount of time to pump gas at the Family Fare. It took more than 15 minutes to fill a 12 gallon tank on the first occasion. The second time, at a different location, the Clarion gave up after 8 or 10 minutes of pumping and only four gallons of gas. Washing the windows only takes so long.
So we say again, "Avoid the Family Fare BP gas stations!!!"
And incidentally, in their convenience stores, they have recently posted a sign "Limit two gallons of milk per customer." Wtf?!? There was a milk run? Further investigation pending...
Meanwhile, check out this link to a user forum noting the lowest gas prices found in the Durham area.
Labels: Durham, Practical Advice
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