Sunday, November 09, 2008
iPhone at 1,000,000 mph

As the statistics filter in, word is that the iPhone is on the move.
Adoption is high in the consumer market. Some sources cite figures that say as many as 17.3% of the cellphones being sold today are iPhones. In other places, we are reading that despite Blackberry's huge embedded lead in the corporate or "enterprise" market, an increasing number of companies are providing tech support for their employees personally purchased iPhones. Reuters cites Cowen & Co. analyst Matthew Hoffman, "IT managers rarely make top-down decisions on new technologies, which often enter from the side or the bottom, and the iPhone will probably come along those same routes." Big names like Nike Inc. and Walt Disney Company have announced they would support the iPhone.
The iPhone is coming on! Full speed ahead.
Labels: Pop Culture, technology
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