Monday, November 03, 2008
Media bias?

Media bias was once considered the way it was in America. Media organs had bias. Richard Wald, a professor of media and society at Columbia University School of Journalism, here in the New York Times, "Basically you chose your news outlet if it made you happy, if it reinforced all your views." Rupert Murdoch in Esquire, "Forty years ago, fifty years ago, you had a lot of newspapers in New York. The Daily News was for the blue-collar Irish. The New York Post was for the upper middle-class, Upper West Side Jewish audience. The Times was the quality Jewish paper. The Herald Tribune was the Wasp paper. And that was reflected in the way they wrote stories. I don't mean that they were racist or anything, but they had a very defined audience. They had a target."
Here is a link to a fascinating piece in the New York Times arguing that Fox News television network and MSNBC television network have covered politics in that same old way during this election cycle.
Labels: Politics, television
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