Sunday, December 14, 2008
Ads on tests

We assume you are familiar with the expression, sometimes you just can't make this sh*t up. It also masquerades as, truth is stranger than fiction. Hoo boy, do we have a doozy for you.
A San Diego High School teacher is selling ads on tests and quizzes, "$10 for a quiz, $20 for a chapter test, $30 for a semester final." For real. Tom Farber teaches A.P. calculus, and when the school cut his photo copying budget by a third from the previous year Farber adopted the radical plan. Takers include parents, a local structural engineering firm and an orthodontist.
The Clarion Content is no no fan of advertising. We can't even wrap the mind around this meme. Debate amongst yourselves.
Thanks to Liberation begins with Education for the steer to the full USA Today article. Rarely has mindblowing felt so apropos.
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