Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Hung by their toes

We have noticed a couple of stories here at the Clarion Content in recent weeks where we are genuinely shocked at the inhumanity of the crime. We ardent opponents of the death penalty because of its permanence and irretractability. We do not support the death penalty for these people, nor do we support torture, but these are some awful crimes. If they were committed as the stories read, folks need to face heavy consequences.
The first story is about two teenage girls who allegedly abused the elderly patient-residents, many suffering with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia, at the nursing home where they worked. These awful girls allegedly spat in residents' mouths, poked and grabbed their breasts and genitals and at times mocked them until they screamed. 19-year-old Brianna Broitzman and 18-year-old Ashton Larson have been charged as adults. The complaint filed against them in Minnesota criminal court includes charges of assault, abuse of a vulnerable adult by a caregiver, abuse of a vulnerable adult with sexual contact, disorderly conduct and failing to report suspected maltreatment. Four other teens are charged with failing to report the incident. Allegedly the group gathered at school to talk and laugh about the incidents. MSNBC thinks they are only going to get probation. Fuck that, insufficient!
The second story is nearly as awful. A man in Greenfield, California allegedly sold his 14-year-old daughter to a neighbor in exchange for $16,000, 100 cases of beer and several cases of meat. This scumbag was also an idiot, because he was caught when he went to the police to complain that his neighbor failed to pay up. Local police say that the man is a member of an indigenous Mexican subculture, the Trique that condones arranged marriage for women as young as twelve. In his defense, he told police that the money was intended as a dowry and the beer and meat were for the wedding. The Clarion Content's stance, 'Sorry pal, not in this country!' Not when are servicemen and women are fighting and dying in places like Afghanistan and Iraq for amongst other things, the demand of equal rights for women. As the man is also an undocumented immigrant, he is likely to face deportation, what will happen to the fourteen year old girl caught up in all of this is still unclear.
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