Sunday, August 02, 2009
The Unique

Tim Lincecum reminds the Clarion Content's Sports editor of Gale Sayers. There is something about the unique, the never seen it done that way before guys. We had heard once, perhaps on an old NFL Films reel, that Sayers looked like a deer running through a minefield. He was at once beautiful and desperately vulnerable. This kind of beauty is fleeting and like a rabbit being chased by wolves, it all too often ends in a violent rending.
Lincecum beat the defending World Champion Phildelphia Phillies tonight with his third shutout in the last six weeks. The other character from the sports world we might compare Lincecum to would be David Duval. He was another guy that people his field said, "Wow, never seen it done that way before..." While we see the implicit irony in comparing three figures' uniqueness, we would posit that sometimes there are reasons why it has never been done that way before that manifest themselves in the ability to sustain greatness. There is no questioning Sayers greatness. Duval was pretty damn good for a minute, too. Lincecum has pitched brillantly for a couple of years now.
Labels: baseball, golf, NFL, sports
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