Sunday, May 30, 2010
Sabermetric Karma

The baseball deities have clearly had enough of the sabermetric hoo-haa. (Ask the Boston Red Sox.) They have unleashed the full power of their anger and retribution on the Kansas City Royals pitcher Zack Greinke. Last year Greinke set a new low: the fewest decisions ever won by a Cy Young award winner. Greinke was a mere 16-8, albeit with a lousy Kansas City Royals team. Morons, like ESPN's Keith Law, lauded his performance and defended his Cy Young with ridiculous statements like "Wins don't matter anymore." It is rocket scientists like this who are keeping Jack Morris out of the Hall of Fame.
Grenike fed right into the phenomenon telling reporters his favorite statistic. "That's pretty much how I pitch, to try to keep my FIP (fielding independent pitching) as low as possible."
Hey, genius, we have an idea, how about you try to win the flipping game? Nobody gives a rat's ass what your FIP is when you lose!!!
The baseball gods heard our howls and cries. They are visiting choice retribution on Greinke this season. He has a swell 1 win and 6 losses. But don't worry Royals fans, we bet, his FIP is great. Come see him lose 3-2 when the team is twenty-five games back in mid-August.
Nice work, Zack. All the baseball writers who voted for Greinke over King Felix for Cy Young last year, fifty lashes with a wet noodle!
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