Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Clippers are amazing

Has somebody been yelling at these guys? We think so.
That's right, the Los Angeles Clippers are amazing! They have transcended dumpster fire status, dumpster fires don't last twenty-five years. They are moving toward a nuclear waste site designation, which their fans are hoping only has a half-life of a couple of more generations of Sterling children and grandchildren.
Donald Sterling's ownership reign in Clipperland has been anything but Sterling. He recently displaced long-time Raiders owner Al Davis as the single most dysfunctional owner in sports, while simultaneously holding off the challenge of Washington Redskins young gun owner, Daniel Snyder. To continue to hang on to his title, Sterling must constantly raise his game. Creativity and franchise-immolation are his hallmarks, no one can make them go hand and hand like the Sterling man can.
This week saw reports in the Los Angeles Times of a brilliant new stratagem Sterling is employing this season. Sterling has been taunting and heckling his own players from his courtside seat at the Staples Center. Clippers Center Chris Kaman confirmed these rumors and also told the LA Times, "He's an interesting guy...He likes to watch us play. He's very into it...He's frustrated like anybody...He owns the team. What do you want me to say? He's my boss. He signs the check. He owns me."
As one might expect, Kaman sounds highly motivated by this tactic.
Apparently, Sterling has been extra hard on point guard Baron Davis who reported overweight and out-of-shape this year. Sterling has hollered at Davis from courtside reportedly telling him, "You're terrible. You can't shoot threes. Why do you shoot threes?"
Accurate and brilliant. Surely Sterling must know at this point that Davis will do anything to piss him off, the reverse psychology then to convince Davis to sabotage the team good by indiscriminately firing up threes, why it borders on ingenious. Davis is 4 for 27 from three this year. The Clippers are 5 up and 20 down, the worst record in the league. And the beat goes on...
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