Thursday, August 18, 2011
Durham Food Truck Rodeo

photo courtesy of Durham Tweet-up
The recent Durham Food Truck Rodeo at the Farmer's Market was a rousing success. In fact, it was almost too much of a success. The trucks were mobbed.
Lines, in many cases, were thirty minutes or more for food. The trucks were not well spread out, so it was difficult to discern which line was for what truck. Also, some of the trucks were not prepared for such crowds and quickly ran out of their stock, though that was not so for Clarion Content faves, the Pie Pushers and Only Burger.
The food was fantastically diverse and delicious. The variety of offerings at a food truck rodeo is all but untoppable. The Durhamanians we spoke with were, by-in-large, pleased with the event, despite the crowds, a good time was had and the vibrant, happy, communitarian mood reflected it. And our sources say, that some of the truck owner-operators are meeting with Durham officials to discuss the issues that this rodeo faced organizationally and logistically due to the crowds.
There are more Durham food truck rodeos to come...and they will be even better.
I love that Durham has such a full mobile-food scene. Just another awesome, unique thing about our city. :)
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