Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Facebook's evolution
An insightful note we saw in the Duke Chronicle on the changing nature of Facebook,

Reading that in the light of a column by Clarion Content favorite, Stephen Marche, this month in Esquire arguing that the pendulum has swung as far away from personal privacy as we are likely to get and is in fact swinging back the other way makes for interesting grist for the mill. Marche argues that, "the terrible journey to the recognition of our own nastiness has been long and embarrassing. The violation of personal boundaries has always been at the core of celebrity culture..."
Are things really about to head in the other direction? Have we finally had enough?
"Facebook in its earliest form started out by showing all the information you would share with someone within the first five minutes of meeting. It was then expanded to all the information in a fifteen minute conversation. Now it has progressed to your entire life story."

Reading that in the light of a column by Clarion Content favorite, Stephen Marche, this month in Esquire arguing that the pendulum has swung as far away from personal privacy as we are likely to get and is in fact swinging back the other way makes for interesting grist for the mill. Marche argues that, "the terrible journey to the recognition of our own nastiness has been long and embarrassing. The violation of personal boundaries has always been at the core of celebrity culture..."
Are things really about to head in the other direction? Have we finally had enough?
Labels: technology
I have talked to a lot of people lately who say FB is the new myspace - only useful if you are a band trying to promote yourself. Otherwise, the creep factor outweighs its allure as a digital hangout. But Google+ is still too clunky and not enough people on it yet.
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