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Monday, March 19, 2012

Liberty Arts Grand Opening: huge 

Liberty Arts Grand Opening Friday evening was a huge success.1 Hundreds of people packed the Cordoba Center for the Arts and the parking lot between Cordoba and Goldenbelt. The food trucks were mobbed, the music was intense, and as promised, Durham Mayor Bill Bell pounded some hot metal. There were demonstrations of all sorts, including a wildly popular glass blowing exhibition.

Much money was raised for the non-profit, Liberty Arts, meaning more classes, more art and more fun for Durham's residents.2

One of LiLa's youngest fans grooving to the music at Liberty Arts...

1We are not just saying that because we were promoting it. There were a ton of folks in attendance, having a grand ol' time.

2Although you'd never know it if you read the Durham haters at the Indy Weekly. The Indy chose the occasion of the 1st Anniversary of Marry Durham to once again show their true (Wake Cty) colors giving the cover story to a virulent anti-Durham musician, who's wildly inaccurate and judgmental screed against Durham is never refuted. Thanks Grayson, here's hoping you and Jamie Stewart leave town together!

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