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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Air Force transports Nukes cross-country 

The Clarion is shocked this story didn't get more play. Last week an Air Force bomber accidentally transported a load of six nuclear bombs across country, flying with said nukes from South Dakota to Louisiana. How can they not have these weapons more secure? Their inventory more tightly monitored? What on earth are the homeland security types up to? The Air Force? Of course, resounding no comments have been issued on all sides.

Think the Clarion is blowing this out of proportion? Think it is really nothing to worry about? Ever read about the time the Air Force accidentally dropped a nuclear bomb on South Carolina. No joke. It could have been way, way worse. It only partial detonated, but it was pretty dang harrowing for the folks involved. The tragedy that would have befallen the world had it detonated is nearly unfathomable.

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That esquire article is great! Interesting writing style. I had heard of that, but never knew the full story. Did it get much press back then? It doesn't suprise me this most recent story didn't get more air time. We've gotten to be experts at hushing things up and bribing the fuck out of the media these last 60 years or so.
The Esquire story did not get much play at the time it came out. I am not sure about how it went down when the news originally came out. I think it was years after the actual event before the government admitted it occurred. There was such a veneer of secrecy around nukes in the Cold War. Everything from weapons testing in the Pacific to testing unwitting human subjects exposure to radiation was at first hushed up, then denied for years.
You obviously hate freedom.
Wonderful Turtle, you made me laugh very early in the morning.

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