Thursday, May 29, 2008
Still the colonists

"The English Captain, John Terry roars."
There are a few arenas where America still can't compete with jolly, old England. One such place is the football pitch. The bloody, sots kicked American tail again yesterday, two to nil. Bollocks.
The United States has managed to beat England at soccer twice, against seven losses in the last sixty odd years. America's last victory was in Foxborough in 1993.
Labels: sports
I watched the game (thanks to ESPN 360 online), and it wasn't even as close as the score indicates. For a hopeful Yank fan, it was incredibly frustrating to see the boys get the crap kicked out of them by a marginal, tired England side. After all of the supposed "progress" the National Team has made in the last decade, including a dubious World #6 ranking at one point, it didn'e even seem that we should have been allowed on the field with England! England missed out on qualifying for Euro 2008, for God's sake! Just another day, another big loss for the ol' USA. Can't wait 'til Spain (actually good) make sthis look like a decent loss....
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