Saturday, November 15, 2008
from the Hunchback of Notre Dame

Word is Victor Hugo wanted to name The Hunchback of Notre Dame, simply Notre Dame. Upon review that makes perfect sense because ostensibly Hugo saw the cathedral itself as the central character of the story, a very modern angle for his time. One can see how the cast of other characters is an ensemble not a lead and supporting roles, nor simply a hero and a villian. Rather than spoil the story for you, and if you have only seen the movie you haven't gotten the half of it, we will instead offer...
Word pearls from Victor Hugo's masterpiece
"Pride always has ruin and shame close at its heels."
"'And love?' proceeded Gringoire.
'Oh! love!' said she, and her voice trembled, and her eye sparkled. 'It is to be two and yet be one- it is a man and a woman blending into an angel-it is heaven itself.'"
"It was the abuse of impunity going hand in hand with the abuse of punishment-two bad things, which strove for one another."
"The King never grants any boon but what is wrung from him by the people."
"In order to live one must get a livelihood."
"Life without love is but a dry wheel, creaking and grating as it revolves."
"Memory is the tormentor of the jealous."
"which imparted to her profile that ideal sweetness which Raphael subsequently found at the mystic point of intersection of virginity, maternity, and divinity."
"Oh, how hollow science sounds when you dash against it in despair [against] a head filled with passions."
"the blinder that passion the more tenacious it is. Never is it stronger than when it is most unreasonable."
"Montmarte, which had then almost as many churches as windmills, but has retained the mills only; for the material bread is nowadays more in request than the spiritual."
Labels: Pop Culture, Sayings
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