Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Pithy F*rging Sayings (9th ed.)

"As James Baldwin taught us, black liberation was never only about black people. It was also about whites being liberated from the tyranny of their own white supremacy."---Adam Haslett
"The history of the world is not the theater of happiness. Periods of happiness are blank pages in it."---Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
"The health of a democratic society may be measured by the quality of functions performed by its private citizens."---Alexis de Tocqueville
"Success is a partnership between the individual and society. It's true in sports, and it's true in the rest of life as well."---Malcolm Gladwell
"The lessons I learned while playing basketball for the Citadel Bulldogs from 1963 to 1967 have proven priceless to me as both a writer and a man. I have a sense of fair play and sportsmanship. My work ethic is credible and you can count on me in the clutch. When given an assignment, I carry it out to completion, my five senses lit up in concentration. I believe with all my heart that athletics is one of the finest preparations for most of the intricacies and darknesses a human life can throw at you. Athletics provide some of the richest fields of both metaphor and cliché to measure our lives against the intrusions and aggressions of other people. Basketball forced me to deal head-on with my inadequacies and terrors with no room or tolerance for evasion. Though it was a long process, I learned to honor myself for what I accomplished in a sport where I was overmatched and out of my league. I never once approached greatness, but towards the end of my career, I was always in the game."---Pat Conroy
Link to old P.F. Sayings posts here. You will see this one again first. Scroll down for older ones.
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