Saturday, August 22, 2009
New Cowboys Stadium

Jerry Jones
We got a few gripes with Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys. Despite a billion dollar budget the new Dallas Cowboys football stadium seems out of sync with the times. Jerry Jones and company also ignored an obvious physical flaw that surfaced in last night's pre-season game with the Tennessee Titans.
The way in which the stadium seems ludicrously out of touch with the times is the prices. Didn't Jerry Jones watch the debacle that has been Yankee stadium? The Clarion Content has followed the Yankee ticket story in detail, since the day they announced there were going to be $2,500 per game box seats. Jerry obviously doesn't read the Clarion Content, or apparently watch the news. Because if he did, he would realize that the richest folks and some of the biggest corporations in America got socked in the wallet over last twenty months plus. But not old Jerry, nope, he figures they still got mad cash stuffed in their mattresses. How do we know? Well, like we said the prices: at the new billion dollar Cowboys Stadium, Jerry figures if you got the jack to pay for a luxury box, you are ready to be soaked. In those luxury boxes food and drink is not free. In fact, a plain cheese pizza costs $100.00 and a six pack of domestic beer $67.00. Yes, you read those figures correctly, at Jerry's place, a six pack a beer and a cheese pizza is $167.00 after you kick down for the luxury boxes. If that isn't begging for comeuppance in these times, the Clarion Content doesn't know what is!
The other issue with the stadium also stems from Jones hubris. This one is an actual on field issue reported by the New York Times amongst others. The scoreboard is too low over the field. The Tennessee Titans back-up punter hit it with a kick last night forcing a do-over. Apparently, the "world's largest" jumbotron-scoreboard-thingamajig is hung too low. Better yet, the NY Times reports that Jones knew, helping set the height at ninety feet, even though tests showed that the Cowboys punter Mat McBriar showed he could clear regularly clear 100 feet.
This is what a billion dollars bought?
Labels: NFL, sports, Sports Economics
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