Sunday, July 11, 2010
Interesting Sports links

Two of the Clarion Content's local Durham sports contributors each sent us interesting links this week. The first was from a non-Yankees fan, who was privileged to attend a Yankees victory over his beloved Seattle Mariners last week in New York. It is a fascinating video explanation of how Mariano Rivera's cut fastball works so effectively, check it out here. Excellent graphics.
The other link is reading not video, so their lazier bums amongst you, may have to slog your way through it. It is well worth the read. A local Durhamanian, who unverifiably claims to be at least halfing-English, sent us a Wall Street Journal article about how English Premiership soccer style regulation could be used to solve college football's conference realignment woes. Read it here. It is not a bad suggestion. Do not kid your self into thinking that the recent mini-compromise made this issue go away. It will be rearing its ugly head again soon. The money is too much and too arbitrarily divided.
It makes me wonder... would you have called into question my heritage, had not Indiana been one of the relegated schools under the WSJ's system?
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