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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Interesting Links 

Interesting links we have encountered lately...

Some of these were sent our way, others we've uncovered. We're never sure if people want to be credited for these sort of things so if you do, please let us know or post a comment telling the world the Clarion got this hot stuff from you.

First we present, The Muppet Personality Test, answer some zany questions, don't take yourself too seriously and this will tell you what Muppet is most fitting for you. Amusement for children of all ages.

Next we bring you three brilliant blogs, number one, I did not know that yesterday. A fascinating site that tracks down the answers to all sorts of trivial and inane questions. Somehow data served up in this manner seems like the tasty tidbits, rather than useless hu-ha, perhaps, it is the delectable background details provided. For instance, did you know that the Greeks of old not only handed us down their philosophy and art, but also popularized the shower. Now that's good minutia. Our only complaint is that they do not post often enough, fortunately for newbies, there is a huge backlog of things you might not have known last week, or last month.

The second blog is a subject near and dear to the Clarion's heart, if not our stomach. May we present, Yeah that vegan shit. All right so it is a crude title, but you'd be surprised how much shit Vegans take about their lifestyle. This site has got it going on. Yeah that Vegan shit has quote, "Vegan recipes that will make you scream with unbridled pleasure." How wrong can you go? And one thing the Clarion knows about Vegans, they are always looking for more recipes. We saw this blog as one of Blogger's "Blogs of Note," and this Vegan, she deserves the recognition.

And saving, arguably the best for last, if you haven't met it yet, meet Post secret, a brilliant blog, where people mail post cards anonymously with secrets they are unable to confess elsewhere. A post-post-modern cyber confessional with a voyeuristic bent for the rest of us who get to read them. The Vatican never had anything like this. Even better, it has a communitarian opportunity to respond, reply, and/or commiserate anonymously back via email. Offering solace, sympathy or advice to the anonymous posters. It is a dang good read, so popular they have a college campus tour coming and a couple of books of their post secrets hitting independent bookstores.

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