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Thursday, July 26, 2007


Crazy is just a measure of deviation from the average. And what is this mythic beast average? It is not extant.

Because who among us is this average person? Is average a male or a female? Ah-ha. Already, we see the problem, is there then two averages? One for each gender?

This average person do they have 2.4 kids? Do they live in a house? An apartment? In suburbia? A city?

Are there types? Oh surely, there are types and archetypes. But when somebody tells us we’re “Crazy” or “It’s crazy,” we ususally take it mean daring or different. When someone tells you you’re crazy, it is usually a sign you have had a bold and/or innovative idea.

Trust your gut and have a good sounding board, but don’t be afraid to go way out on edge. It’s the view.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained isn’t just a saying in a universe with no rewind, it’s axiomatic.

A good friend of the Clarion’s passed us a quote not that long ago from a man who didn’t fear the crazy tag. Wore his crazy like a brightly colored scarf...Walt Whitman

“This what you shall do: Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward people...re-examine all you have been told in school or church or any book, dismiss what insults your very soul, and your very flesh shall become a great poem.”

Crazy, right?

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Based on some of the verbal discussions I have had since this post went up, I want to clarify my position. I want to make abundantly clear it is not my purpose to discourage providing help.

Much as I would hope that a good citizen of society wouldn't walk by a physically injured person without an offer and/or attempt to provide assistance, society cannot ignore those cases who need help to live.

The hue of the Clarion's colors is usually the more limited the intrusion of society, and especially the state, into individual's lives the better. This is another nexus where we advocate that approach.
My position might be described as such, phenomenologically I disagree that crazy exists.
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