Saturday, March 29, 2008

Or life's little surprises.
The vagaries and exigencies of living with children, one must always be prepared, ready. For example, be prepared that the lid to the salsa, the peanut butter, the pickles, et cetera, may not have been screwed back on tightly. When picking up said jar or container, one must always grip it firmly by the sides of the container and lift carefully. Don't just grab it by the top. You think salsa is not a missile, peanut butter is not a bomb. Try not to think about the pickles or worse, sour cream. Reassure yourself, most of the time these days, they're in a plastic container. Oh yeah, that's better, but it doesn't equal shatter proof when dropped. The splatter radius of said container exploding is huge. There are nooks and crannies that haven't seen the light of day in eons that will be gooped. So listen to the Coast Guard, "Semper prepatus." Grab jars from the side, not by the top. The mess you save will be your own.
Labels: Practical Advice
Its not just children that have this problem, adults also tend to be rushed and not tighten the lids all the way. I do feel with you...Working in a restaurant you tend to be rushed at times and unlike the smaller jars you find your average home fridge, commercial sized jars tend to be HUGE! Try running to the fridge and grabbing that oversized bottle of italian dressing and giving it a quick shake for service and finding that the last adult using it failed to put it away properly...well you have dressing on your head, the fridge, floor walls your shirt...get the picture? Sometimes it the olives or the ranch. Either way it is still a huge mess and should be avoided at any length.
So lets not just blame this one on the kids! Adults also tend to leave the lid not so tight. The lesson learned in the restaurant was that the number one thing to do is twist the lid for tightness, then grab and also make sure that when you put it away, tighten the lid!!!!!
So lets not just blame this one on the kids! Adults also tend to leave the lid not so tight. The lesson learned in the restaurant was that the number one thing to do is twist the lid for tightness, then grab and also make sure that when you put it away, tighten the lid!!!!!
You are so right, I hadn't not considered the true dimensions of this issue. Restaurant size dressing bombs can have splatter radii in the multiple showers required scale.
Thank you for the reminder.
Come on people, it is a communitarian issue, take the time, do the right thing, tighten the lid. (But, not too tight.)
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You are so right, I hadn't not considered the true dimensions of this issue. Restaurant size dressing bombs can have splatter radii in the multiple showers required scale.
Thank you for the reminder.
Come on people, it is a communitarian issue, take the time, do the right thing, tighten the lid. (But, not too tight.)