Friday, March 28, 2008
Clinton at it again

Hillary Clinton refuses to let the facts get in the way of her story. She is going to make it up which ever way is best for her. (Aside to faux victim Chelsea Clinton: this is why the "blue dress" is relevant; if it doesn't turn up, Hillary savages Monica as part of the "vast right wing conspiracy" along with Paula Jones, Jennifer Flowers, Kathleen Wiley, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.)
Hillary Clinton was busted telling tales last week about her heroic charge across the tarmac in Bosnia, which in actuality was a slow stroll, waving to the crowds with Chelsea, shaking hands with the Bosnian president. Clinton was back at it again Tuesday, making inaccurate claims about being the first, First Lady since Eleanor Roosevelt to visit a war zone. (Not to even touch the issue of whether Bosnia was a "war zone,") Clinton ignored First Lady, Pat Nixon's trip to Saigon in July 1969. Clinton has demonstrated time and again, she will not let the facts stand between her and what she wants.
Labels: 2008's President, Politics
I really think she's losing it. Once a competition of "who's better" or "who's right" or (Bush's mantra) "Everyone else is wrong" comsumes a person crazy is just around the corner. It's not a diagnosable/life time crazy, but a as long as you're stuck in it kind of crazy. Hillary's caught in showing everyone that she's better and all the democrats who are against her are not only wrong, but probably not democrats. It's unfortuante for the party and for her. It's also unfortunate for me because I used to like her, and I now I think she's more like McSame: so far gone that the truth is an abstract concept as opposed to a moral imperative.
It is an amazing state of affairs. I agree with your analysis that it almost like temporary, contextual, lunacy.
What's the old saw, "A fanatic is one who having lost sight their objective redoubles their efforts."
Check this link which suggests Clinton might not have been confused about Bosnia, but rather borrowing (pardon the pun) liberally, from another Senator's story.
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What's the old saw, "A fanatic is one who having lost sight their objective redoubles their efforts."
Check this link which suggests Clinton might not have been confused about Bosnia, but rather borrowing (pardon the pun) liberally, from another Senator's story.