Saturday, May 31, 2008
Clinton's on fire

The Clarion Content posted on some of Hillary Clinton's twisted logic about how she is actually winning the Democratic Presidential candidate race last week. We called her thinking Orwellian. At the time, we considered comparing her to Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Robert Mugabe, et al. but decided against it. Ultimately, we felt it was over the top, she might be saying 2+2 is 5, but she wasn't advocating jailing her opponent or worse their demise. Yet just was we pulled back, candidate Clinton gave us pause again with these remarks to the Sioux Falls (South Dakota) Argus Leader,
"My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. I don't understand it."
Say what? Set aside the issue of whether or not Bill wrapped the nomination before June of 1992, (hint: he did,) and re-read that quote.
"We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California."
Did she just imply she was staying the race in case her opponent was assassinated? Of all the things folks have said, 'Imagine how Clinton would react if Obama said this about her,' imagine how Clinton would have reacted if Obama had said this about her. Instead, Obama reacted coolly upon hearing about Clinton's remarks, demurring that surely she could not have meant it that way.
The Clarion's view is regardless of she meant it, she never, ever should have gone that direction. We were originally going to go on and on about the why's, but they are so self-evident and have been so widely commented on in this last week, we will just offer you, two of the best commentaries we read or saw.
The first is from a most unlikely source, former Bill Clinton adviser, Dick Morris,
"Everybody who has thought seriously about the Obama candidacy, including me and probably including the Senator himself, have reflected on the horrible possibility that he would be assassinated. One cannot think about Obama, the Kennedy-esque candidate without worrying about his safety. But we all observe the discipline of not raising the issue in public. We all worry that to do so would be to encourage some maniac to take a shot. Now Hillary has violated this unstated but heretofore universal taboo and brought up the possibility. That is not to say that she is hoping for a murder. But it is to say that the possibility is uppermost in her mind and a significant part of her rationale for staying in the race. And, by raising it, she has made it more possible."
Morris was apparently incorrect in his assertion that this was the very first time it was brought up, but this was most certainly the most uncomfortable reference. And according to the New York Times, when someone associated with the Clinton campaign mentioned the specter of assassination in New Hampshire, the Clinton campaign called the remarks, "Totally inappropriate."
Keith Olberman on MSNBC excoriated Clinton for her remarks,
As to the second part of Clinton's statement that Bill did not wrap up the 1992 nomination until the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, it walked the tightrope between deceitful and factually flawed. The California primary in 1992 was in the first week of June, not the middle. Clinton's most serious challenger and the early front runner for the nomination, Paul Tsongas, had dropped out. Former California governor and insurgent candidate, Jerry Brown, elected not to run any ads in California for the sake of party unity. But to truly understand what a load of hooey Hillary Clinton's assessment that the nomination was not sewn up until mid-June, look at the final delegate counts and state victory totals from that year.
Bill Clinton won 3372 delegates and 39 states
Jerry Brown 596 delegates and 3 states
Paul Tsongas 289 delegates and 6 states
If it wasn't wrapped up, it was a mere formality. Hillary Clinton was disassembling again.
The Clarion's feelings about the Clinton campaign sank to a new low after these remarks. We continue to believe that her intention is to insure Barack Obama's eventual defeat so that she will be positioned to take on McCain in 2012.
This writer to the Kansas City Star tells it like it is, the writer is one, Rosemary Gudelj, from Lee’s Summit her letter reads in part...
"I realized why I am so strongly in favor of Barack Obama. Senator Clinton and her supporters are bound to a system that promotes bullying over reason, winning over collaboration and an attitude of “my way” at any cost.
To put the well-being of our country at risk to be punitive is a real mirror of the way Clinton would govern. She has shown a willingness to speak to the smallest parts of ourselves, while Obama speaks to our biggest self."
Labels: 2008's President, political quips-n-quotes, Politics
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