Wednesday, June 04, 2008
A Boatload of Clinton links

Read Senator Clinton's loss encapsulated in the Elizabeth Kubler Ross Five Stages of Dying,
Read the Clintons are yesterday's news,
See a video review of the Clinton campaign,
Read a funny parody from the New Republic about how it would sound if the Detroit Pistons argued about their NBA's Eastern Conference Finals defeat the same way Clinton did her defeat,
Read Gloria Steinem, long a supporter of Senator Clinton switching her endorsement to Obama here. Steinem said more than Clinton could bring herself to, not only did feminist pioneer Steinem say she would vote for Obama, she said she would volunteer. Can Clinton manage this grace? Stay tuned.
Finally, just in case you doubted that she was a chronic disassembler, candidate Clinton had one last run-in with the whole truth Wednesday night as she gave her, "Thanks to South Dakota, you had the last word in this primary season and it was worth the wait."
Or as the facts would have it, Senator, South Dakota had almost the last word, since as Clinton was delivering this speech, a clock on the bottom of the screen showed more than 26 minutes until the polls in Montana closed, delivering the last word of the primary season.
Labels: 2008's President
Countdown to Dem convention: 81 days
Countdown to GOP convention: 88 days
Countdown to Election Day 2008: 152 days
Countdown to Inauguration Day '09: 229 days
Countdown to GOP convention: 88 days
Countdown to Election Day 2008: 152 days
Countdown to Inauguration Day '09: 229 days
I gotta hand it to Hillary: her concession speech was most impressive and rhetorically adroit. well done.
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