Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Clinton can't let go

Believers in the Inferno have suggested there must be a special circle in hell reserved for the meglomaniacal Hillary Clinton. Even on the night when Barack Obama secured the Democratic Presidential nomination, not only did Clinton refuse to concede, she attempted to turn the spotlight back on herself, by saying she was open to considering the Vice Presidential slot on the ticket.
The Clarion would like to make a public service announcement, "Mrs. Clinton, it is not all about you!"
Is is too cynical to call Clinton's supposed interest in the Vice Presidency a bold face lie? After all, the Clarion and many other news sources have caught Clinton in variety of lies and deceptions this political season. It is our firm belief that Clinton has no interest in V.P. position. She has said so all along, and second banana hardly fits with her egomaniacal persona (not to mention the complications involving Bill's role in this set-up.) However, could Clinton be calculating that this pseudo willingness to accept the 2nd position on the ticket is the latest, best way to twist the knife in Obama's back? Now her disgruntled supporters will have one more issue with Obama if he does not select her, one more reason to stay home or vote McCain in the fall.
Senator Clinton, the Republican party and the McCain campaign thank you from the bottom of the hearts. You have done an unbelievable job of distracting voters from the issues and failures associated with this administration. You have achieved what they never could have without you. They can't wait to run against you (and Bill) in 2012. Good work.
Labels: 2008's President, Politics
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