Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Yankees athletes

Are Yankees fans worried about replacing A-Fraud Rodriguez at third base this season? (It is too bad about how steroids and HGH make muscles grow, but not corresponding tendons, making those huge muscles all the more likely to rip the tendons from the bone.)
Yankees fans are not worried if they know Johnny Damon's answer to the following question. Who is the best athlete on the Yankees? According Damon it is Rodriguez's replacement at third base. The Newark Star Ledger has the YouTube clips that have made Ransom a legend. Watch them here. Damon says if you are still a doubter after that, let him put you in a headlock and try to get out of it.
Says here that no matter how well or poorly Ransom plays Alex Rodriguez's rehab (pun intended) takes longer than scheduled and he plays no more than seventy-five games, driving in about 55 runs. Ransom is thirty-two. He got his first cup of coffee in the bigs in 2001 with the San Francisco Giants, for perspective, that was Pac Bell Park's first full season open.
Labels: baseball, Ethically questionable, Predictions, sports
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