Sunday, August 23, 2009
All Apologies

We swear this picture was not taken at our offices...
All our humblest apologies, dear readers. If you are one of our regulars, all the more so, because we know that the rate of posts herein has slowed from our ideal of daily, to a trickle over the last two months. We can but beg your forgiveness, dear readers, and announce that the time we usually devote to this space was otherwise well spent.
The Clarion Content has moved and retrofitted our physical Durham, North Carolina offices and changes are a foot. No, we are not about to say, "Go, go, Gadget Hardcopy," quite yet. But, we are one step closer and we will continue to keep you abreast as developments and evolutions occur. Our newest announcement is that we are bringing a superb photographer on staff, Casey Clark! We are delighted. And we welcome Mr. Casey Clark aboard! We will be featuring his work and local insights on our new Photos section, as well on these pages. His first two Durham photo essays have been posted. We are looking forward to sharing his unique perspectives and viewpoints with you.
We want to remind you that we are and will continue to be a journal of opinion. We make no pretense to be unbiased. We only hope that we and you can collectively identify our bias and use it as a lens through which to view our output. Recall too, that we reserve the right to be wrong. And though we endeavour not to be, we want to know when we are. The Clarion Content is at its heart a collective project, we actively want to solicit your comment and feedback. We hope to be conversation starters that build virtuous circles of ideas in our readership.
As you know, the Clarion Content has steadfastly held strong against accepting advertising from the beginning, especially anonymous advertising. We want to affirm and confirm that stance. In our effort to build virtuous circles, positive biofeedback loops, with our readership and our community, we are in the coming weeks going to take on a new project at our sister site, (Currently, this link circles right back here.) This new project will attempt to fuse our ability to build good things among our communities, local and virtual, with our anti-advertising ethic.
More to come soon...
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