Wednesday, July 14, 2010
A surge of civic pride

Someone near and dear to a member of the Clarion Content’s staff is working for the Census. From what we have heard, it has brought an unexpected surge of civic pride to their breast. America, as defined by the actions of our people, is much of what we hope her to be.
The reports we hear say that folks are nicer, kinder and easier to deal with than one might expect. Our staffer's friend reports that over and over during the course of this hot Summer, he has been invited into folk's homes, to cool off, for a glass of water or a soda or un jugo.
Americans, by-in-large, are not freaked out by this representative of the Man showing up at their door. We do not live Russia, nor the former Soviet Union. This not Venezuela or Columbia. A representative of the government on one's door step here, in the US of A, is not an automatic invitation to fear or intimidation. We may have the NSA and CIA, but people still mostly believe we are a nation of laws and rules. Told their responses are confidential, people will happily give a stranger their name and their date of birth, they will discuss their race and their living habits, they are mostly willing even to give their phone number. In America, we still have some trust.
It feels good to hear. It makes one proud to be an American.
Labels: Politics, Pop Culture, thought
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