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Friday, November 30, 2012

New Railings in Durham Central Park 

special to the Clarion Content
by: Denise Schreiner

If you park in the Measurement, Inc. lot to go to the Durham Farmers Market, you already know there’s a new set of railings on the main stairs with an entry arch at the bottom. It’s a collaboration between Liberty Arts artist, Jackie MacLeod, and Monkey Bottom Gallery owner and artist, Joe Galas.

Turns out there’s an interesting story behind these railings...

Photos courtesy of Jackie MacLeod

For years Dale Evarts and his wife Betsy had brought Dale’s mother, Audrey, to the Farmer’s Market Saturday mornings. Audrey had both a hip and knee replacement, so it was hard for her to navigate the stairs, and every week she would say "It would really be good to have a railing there." And every week Dale would say "Yeah, Mom, someday we’ll have one."

After Audrey died unexpectedly last fall, Dale and his sister began talking about it.

And one Saturday this summer when Dale saw the Durham Central Park booth, he went over and said “You know, those stairs over there need a railing and I would like to support that in memory of my mother.”

As it happens, DCP had wanted to install handrails ever since volunteers had built the three stairways down the hill. They’d already enlisted Jackie and Joe to come up with a design, but had only been able to raise half the cost.

When Dale saw the drawings he knew immediately that Audrey would approve. The reason for his enthusiasm was that for twenty years (1965-1985) Audrey had run Eastgate Hardware Store in Chapel Hill (most unusual for a woman at the time), and the recovered metal components in the design reminded Dale of the old hardware from factories and mills in the area. He wrote a check for the balance on the spot.

Now Audrey’s legacy will become a permanent fixture at DCP.

Photos courtesy of Jackie MacLeod

Photos courtesy of Jackie MacLeod

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I was thinking I should get a good railing in Statesville, nc. Ours aren't doing so well right now and our customers are afraid to use them because they aren't very stable. How much do they normally cost for high-quality ones?
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