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Monday, September 28, 2009

Meditations on Yom Kippur 

The holiest day of the Jewish calendar is today, Yom Kippur, the day of Repentance. A few thoughts to meditate on (regardless of your spirtiual persuasion) from sources wiser than us...

We are asked to take a leap of action rather than a leap of thought. We are asked to surpass our needs, to do more than we understand in order to understand more than we do. It is in deeds that a human becomes aware of what one's life really is. It is in the employment of the will through action, not in the ego though internal reflection that we meet ourself as it really is.

Whom can I accuse, of whom revenge demand,
When I have born deep suffering at my own hand?

A human is not granted something unconditionally, rather we have to decide for something unconditionally.

There were once some lawless men who caused Rabbi Meir a great deal of trouble. Rabbi Meir accordingly prayed that they should die. His wife Beruiah said to him: "How can think such a prayer is permitted? ...When sin ceases there will be no more wicked men. Therefore pray for them that they turn from their ways, and that there will be no more wicked." Then he prayed on their behalf.


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