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Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Messy Business 

Ahh yes, the messy business of predictions. Okay then now, careful not to invest with your bookie on the basis of the Clarion's predictions.

One of our loyal midwestern readers said it best earlier this month "While I would never be brave enough to post any kind of predictions, especially with sports, I've pondered betting the opposite of yours."

Thank you. Thank you very much.

We will continue to be audaciously wrong.

"All I say is by way of way of discourseā€¦I should not speak so boldly if it were my due to be believed.---Montaigne"

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I hadn't actually been called a midwesterner up to this point; it was kind of weird.
You are officially living in "fly over" country.
yeah, no kidding.

does that make you a southerner?
The only way I can deny Southern is if I were to leave.

However, I prefer to be thought of as Durhamanian.

Being Southern is like being English, it is such a broad moniker while it applies, it doesn't quite cut it to the quick.
You are a Durhamanian; that's perfect.
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